
I apologize to those of you who were interested in more coverage of Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni’s newborn baby girl, Giulia. I thought I was the only one really interested in Carla’s pregnancy, and most of you were totally meh on the birth. I’m happy for them, though, and it’s exciting from a historical standpoint – this is the first time in France’s history that a First Lady has given birth while her husband is in office (the last time a French leader had a baby was… Napoleon!).

Anyway, these are new photos of Carla, Pres. Sarko and baby Giulia at La Lanterne Park in Versailles today. Even though Carla made it sound like she wanted to keep everything about the baby under wraps, I suspected that she would end up doing some of these happy-looking photo ops with the new baby. After all, Sarko is running for re-election, correct? So it’s helpful, at least with my very gauche, American way of viewing politics – if an American president and first lady had a baby while they were in the White House, it would help them out politically. They would look young and vital and interesting, and women would support the first family even more. Do you think it will be the same in France?

Would you like to know more about Giulia? She weighed seven-and-a-half pounds when she was born 12 days ago. She was born in Paris, and it seems like Sarko wasn’t there for a great deal of the labor. After stopping by the hospital, Sarko then left and continued with business of state, which prompted some criticism that he was basically abandoning Carla and their baby. Carla was also the one to make all of the birth announcement stuff, but on her website, not Sarko’s. Carla wrote: “I am deeply touched by the many messages of congratulations that I have received since the birth of our daughter. [We offer the] warmest thanks to all those of you who sent us these tokens of your kindness.”

Oh, and after all of that talk about how much Sarko and Carla wanted a boy and how she was expecting a boy and BOY BOY BOY, I’m so glad they got a girl. And look on the bright side… Carla is probably all liquored up right now. She’s probably smoking some cigs too.





Photos courtesy of WENN.
