If you’re a fan of Marvel films, there is no doubt that you are getting ready for the biggest Marvel film to date so far – Captain America: Civil War.

During the Team Captain America press conference with Clevver Movies, the cast sat down and were interviewed about their thoughts on their individual characters and what their arc consists of in the film.

However, apart from all of the exciting Civil War press, we’ve gotten some more thrilling news about another Marvel movie that is coming in a few years time.

If you remember, over a week ago, we covered the fact that Thor and Star-Lord have been confirmed to be starring in Avengers: Infinity War… now there is another character that is set to appear!Scarlet Witch Confirmed for Avengers: Infinity War 2

It’s been confirmed that Elizabeth Olsen aka Scarlet Witch is going to be in Avengers: Infinity War alongside Thor and Star-Lord!

Co-director of Civil War, Joe Russo, spoke about Scarlet Witch’s arc during Civil War and how the character is just starting to come into her own. He sneakily added in the fact that she will be appearing in Avengers: Infinity War Part 1.

“She is on a growth arc, and it is part of her development. It is very tricky with powerful characters, because unless they have an internal struggle or a flaw that limits them then they do become limitless, and the storytelling becomes muddled and not very interesting.

“You know she could’ve stopped that fight at the airport in 5 seconds if she were at the peak of her powers, so it really has to do her character specifically going on a journey to understand what the limits of her powers are. She makes a mistake very early in the movie that sets her back, and we’ll get to see where she goes in Infinity War.”

So, it looks like she is not going anywhere in the near future!

Elizabeth Olsen has done a fabulous job portraying Scarlet Witch so far and she is set to develop the character more alongside Vision in their progressive character arcs in Civil War. We can’t wait!

Captain America: Civil War is set to hit theatres 29th of this month!

Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 comes out May 4th, 2018.

What do you think about the new character confirmation? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @CelebMix
